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11 Photos of Kids Doing Disastrous Sh*t

11 Photos of Kids Doing Disastrous Sh*t

Kids are cute, curious and amazing, but sometimes they're little balls of disastrous energy.  Here are 11 super cute photos of kids doing disastrous sh*t!

kid destroying laptop
You weren't, uhhh, using this ever again, were you?
Relax, I'm sure this'll wash right out.
kid on potty marker on wall
Hey, points for using the potty.
kid marker wall shame
The shame is real.
The lack of shame is real.
That smug look... the lack of shame is real.
toothpaste wall kid toilet
We can only hope she didn't wet the brush with toilet bowl water.
girl marker why so serious
Why so serious?
ketchup hair kid
It does wonders for split ends, and tastes amazing. This kid is on to something.